Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It did not just snowed once, twice, but more than 3 times. I will never thought that this will ever happened in Liverpool, because Liverpool is near to river side and it can't get snow as often and as much as compare to others Uk cities. Though we are so so lucky, the entire streetscape covered with white colour, with the yellow lighting, the entire scence is just so nice.

we joined Marcus, Adeline, Elane, Seth and Maggi to built snowman and we had a awesome snowball fight too. Well as usual, I'm the one who always got blasted, shame because there isn;t anyone want to allie with me!

Can't wait for the coming Christmas and the Boxing day.

though the coldness freeze our's so cold.

this is so freaking nice, I love this picture so much. Thanks to Adeline.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....